The perk Projectile Repulsion Field affects your own magic missiles when shooting, causing an artificial spread which cannot be reduced.The "Unlimited Spells" Perk is particularly useful to have, as it will remove the charge limit and allow you to cast the Large and Giant Magic Missiles as many times as you like.If you have a decent main damage wand already then it's hard to go wrong with having some reliable no-nonsense explosive power as a backup. The Large and Giant versions strikes a decent balance between explosive force and charge limit, making shuffler wands more valuable in the mid to late-game.It's superior to bombs in that you can more precisely control where the explosion happens. Magic Missile, in all its iterations in all different editions except for Fourth Edition pre-Essentials errata, always hits its mark as long as something isn't preventing it (such as the spell Shield, which explicitly calls the spell out as being blocked, or force resistance or other antimagic shenanigans) and is within line. The normal version is a useful spell for the first third or so of the game, and a nice fit for Shuffle wands as they do a good job even without modifiers. Yes, in Fifth Edition magic missiles hit their target(s) unerringly.This simple trap can ward off weaker creatures like goblins looking for an easy meal. A favorite among beginner trap-making spellcasters, the magic missile trap softens up those coming to attack.

Since you only have 10 uses per spell it encourages you to aim more carefully and only use it when needed. Type magic Detect Perception DC 26 Disarm Disable Device DC 26.

After level 1, the spell creates 1 additional missile for every 2 caster levels, to a maximum of 5 missiles at level 9.

I think the necromancer or whatever at the entrance to Dragon Keep can drop any of the blue magic grenade mods. The blue version has 2 homing projectiles, and the purple version has 4. It is similar in effect to a rocket launcher in other games. You create a shimmering projectile of magical force that unerringly slams into a single selected target. It depends on which version of the Magic Missile you want. If you want to have separate d4+1 rolls for each level, here's what the dmg1 section should look like If the dmg1 section of the rolltemplate is expecting a single total number though, this might not work very well.A Spell that creates a magical missile, firing in a straight line away from the caster, causes an explosion when it hits.