I also love putting this up on split screen on my iPad next to my H-E-B grocery store online shopping app. My kids even join in with surprising me with dinner sometimes because it’s all right there so organized. And if it’s a new recipe he can just tap on it right there in the meal calendar and the recipe pops up. He knows if it’s on the calendar in this app then I’ve got groceries for it. There’s no question what the plan is for dinner each night. I have a whole list of all my regular items in the pantry section when it comes time to build my grocery list, I just walk around the kitchen and select all the things on the list that I need and in one tap, all those things are added to my grocery list! So easy! I also use the meal section to help communication between me and my husband. I can add things to it while he’s at the store that updates live. My husband and I share a grocery list on his phone and mine.
#Paprika recipe manager add meal type full#
If I see a recipe in a magazine that I wish to have in my paprika recipe file I click browser copy and paste the name of the recipe in the field click search the recipe will show up amongst other similarly named Recipes, I click on the one I want and click on download automatically then will have the full recipe as appeared in my source material with a photograph this recipe program is amazing. It is easy to carry this recipe program on my iPhone 11 and if during a conversation someone request a recipe I can immediately pull it up and email it to the individual, this program has it all. It has an organized list of ingredients and allows an organized presentation of directions it allows for an area of description it has an area for special notes there is a section for describing the ease of preparation and a separate section of categories which come built-in and you may modify by adding categories photographs are a big part of this recipe program you can add as many photos as you wish in the construction of a recipe and then the finished product I find this extremely helpful. It does everything that I want in a program. The apps on each platform are solid, stable and the developers continue to enrich the app year after year. Of the many apps we’ve purchased over the years- in any category- Paprika is the one we would gladly have paid more for. The pantry feature lets us manage the staples we always keep on hand.

We have several grocery options near our home, and the ability to maintain separate lists for each store is an added bonus. We can split up as we shop, even at different stores, and as we check items off our lists all devices are synchronized almost instantly, so it’s easy to know what has been bought and what is still to go. With Paprika 3, grocery lists are on our Apple watches, so the iPhone is not necessary in the store which is awesome now that we’re all wearing masks, and Face ID is crippled. We can scale these recipes to suit our needs (Paprika does all the math), categorize them and easily plan our meals each week. We have over 6,000 recipes collected over the 6+ years we’ve use the app. It imports recipes directly from website sources. We share the responsibility of meal planning, shopping, and prep. Paprika is installed on my wife, my daughter and my iPhones & Apple Watches, a kitchen iPad and a MacBook. Many are available on the internet, so I’ve been able to download them rather than type in the whole recipe! Great project!) There are so many other features that are so well designed and thought out, and some I haven’t taken advantage of yet! Go for it and buy this app! You won’t be disappointed! (Have to add that during this time when our family is spending much more time at home, I decided to go through my old cooking magazines and pull out the recipes I want to try. It lets you add any recipe to a calendar, and when you go into your calendar you just click on the recipe to go to it. This second feature helping me be a better planner is Meals. A list of the timers will show up on the left side of the screen. (It’s like a new car in which you just keep finding little compartments you didn’t know existed!) The first one is timers-not just one timer in the top menu-timers throughout each recipe! Just click on the blue text anywhere in the instructions (and these recipes are downloaded from the internet), and you can set a timer for each action (i.e., stir for 2 minutes, cook 5 minutes uncovered). These reviews here are on the mark! I won’t reiterate, but I will share a couple of what I think are the coolest features, one of which I just found after a month of using the app.