Suddenly, Lillie comes to greet her brother, as do the rest. Kiawe thanks Gladion, who states he doesn't need his thanks, as it was nothing. He is surprised to see Gladion, to which Mimo explains that he defended her from Team Skull. Suddenly, Kiawe runs to them, and hugs Mimo, having finally found her. Still, she is certain he's powerful in Pokémon battles, to which Gladion smiles and says that he can see Mimo cares about Kiawe a lot. On their way, Mimo comments that she hopes her brother wins, even if he can be overprotective about her. Mimo asks if something is wrong, to which Gladion denies. Mimo holds his hand as they walk, which reminds Gladion of Lillie when she was young, causing him to blush awkwardly. Gladion simply confirms, and lets her follow him to the stadium. Gladion realizes that she is Kiawe's sister, and Mimo asks if he knows her brother. Blushing and starry-eyed, Mimo introduces herself, and states her brother is competing in the tournament today, which is why she came to cheer him on. Gladion calls Silvally back, whilst Mimo thanks Gladion. However, Gladion's intimidating look causes them to back down and leave. Gladion orders them to leave, which annoys the grunts, stating that Tupp will teach Gladion a lesson. The grunts continue provoking Mimo, but get hit by Gladion's Silvally's Air Slash. Rapp, Tupp and Zipp send Zubat, Garbodor and Salandit. Mimo points out they are doing an illegal activity, to which the grunts see she is actually opposing them. Suddenly, she hears Team Skull grunts, Rapp, Tupp and Zipp, spraying graffiti as they rap. Mimo is atop of the stadium, and wishes she could get down. Thus, Kiawe goes to the stadium, suspecting she went there. Kiawe starts panicking, but Mallow calms him down, while Sophocles explains that he was told that the boat got here 30 minutes earlier. They go to the docks, but do not see Mimo there. Mallow sees they should meet up with Mimo.

Kiawe claims there's nothing amazing as to a brother listen to his little sister cheering him on. Lillie admits she will cheer for her brother, but will hold no grudges if they will support Kiawe. Sophocles chooses Kiawe, since he did defeat him during the last round.

Their friends support Ash and Kiawe, but wonder whom will they cheer for. Kiawe reminds he is going to face Gladion, a battle Ash thinks it is bound to be amazing. Plumeria is also watching them, as the boys end the training. Torracat uses Fire Blast, which collides with Turtonator's Flamethrower. While their friends are watching, Torracat uses Revenge on Turtonator, pushing him away. Kiawe's Turtonator uses Dragon Tail against Ash's Torracat, during the duo's training. Kiawe's sister Mimo is attacked by Team Skull, and the one who saves her is his opponent Gladion.